Search results for "John Kavanagh"
Riverdance: The Animated Adventure
Riverdance: The Animated Adventure
A young Irish boy named Keegan and Spanish girl named Moya journey into a magical world of the Megaloceros Giganteus who teach them to appreciate Riverdance as a celebration of…
Country: Ireland, United Kingdom
The Invisible Woman (2013)
The Invisible Woman (2013)
Nelly Ternan, played by Felicity Jones in the 1850s is an actress with minimal talent who attracts the attention of Charles Dickens (Ralph Fiennes) a well-known British writer. Charles becomes…
Country: United Kingdom
Bellman and True
Bellman and True
Hiller, a computer expert, was bribed by group of bank robbers to obtain details of the security system at a newly-built bank. Having obtained the information, he thought he'd seen…
Country: United Kingdom