Vivo is a unique kinkajou, also known as a “rainforest honey bear”, who lives in the lively square of his owner Andres. Despite not speaking the same language Vivo and Andres make a perfect couple because of their shared love for music. Andres is devastated when Marta Sandoval sends her a note inviting him to her farewell concert. She hopes to reconnect with Andres. Vivo then has to relay the message to Marta in a way Andres could not: A long-ago love letter written by Vivo as a song. Vivo needs Gabi, a tween energetic to her offbeat beat to help him reach Marta who lives across the globe. –Netflix
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Family
Director: Brandon Jeffords, Kirk DeMicco
Actors: Brian Tyree Henry, Gloria Estefan, Juan de Marcos González, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Michael Rooker, Ynairaly Simo, Zoe Saldana
Country: United States