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The Passion of the Christ

The last 12 hours of Jesus’ life, as it was on the morning of his death in Jerusalem. This story begins in the Garden of Olives, where Jesus is seen praying after the Last Supper. Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus, the controversial Jesus who has performed miracles and publicly declared that he’s ‘the Son Of God’. He is then taken back to Jerusalem’s city walls. The leaders of the Pharisees accuse him of blasphemy and he is sentenced to death. Jesus is taken before Pontius Pilate (prefect of Roman Judaea), for sentencing. Pilate hears the Pharisees’ accusations against Jesus. Pilate realizes that his decision could cause him to be embroiled into a political dispute and so he defers King Herod to decide how to persecute Jesus. Herod brings Jesus back to Pilate, who then gives the crowd the option of which prisoner they’d prefer to be freed–Jesus or Barrabas. Barrabas is freed by the crowd. Jesus is then handed to Roman soldiers, and is then brutally flagellated. He is bloody and unrecognizable when he’s brought back to Pilate, who presents him again before the crowd, hoping that they will realize Jesus was already punished. However, the crowd isn’t satisfied. Pilate then washes his hands and orders his men to follow the wishes of the crowd. Jesus, weak and bruised, is given the cross to him and ordered to carry it along the streets of Jerusalem all the way to Golgotha. More corporal cruelty ensues as Jesus is tied to the cross. He suffers and hangs there until he dies. Jesus, initially, is shocked that God has abandoned him in the midst of his confused suffering. Then he begs God. Nature overturns at the time of his death. –Anthony Pereyra [email protected]