This film tells the story of Ganpat Belwalkar, a former theatre actor who was a star in his day. He gained fame and fortune by performing plays that were based on Shakespeare’s works. This is the story of an actor, who was a key figure in his own life and who falls prey to old age estrangement and alienation. This film shows the tragic story of an actor who falls prey to fate and fortune as he ages, a fate that is very similar to Lear’s. Natsamrat is subject to the pains and disgrace of his old age, as well as those inflicted upon him by his children. This is the tragic story of a great actor and humanist who falls prey to fate and destiny. Natsamrat actually tells the story Ganpatrao Bevalkar who endures immense suffering following his retirement from acting on stage.
Genre: Drama
Director: Mahesh Manjrekar
Actors: Jitendra Joshi, Medha Manjrekar, Mrunmayee Deshpande, Nana Patekar, Shridhar Limaye, Vikram Gokhale
Country: India