Shock-O-Rama features three low-budget horror tales revolving around a B-movie actress. In 'Zombie This' erotic scream queen Rebecca Raven is through with the typecast exploitation acting roles she gets and takes a vacation getaway to a remote house where she accidentally unearths a zombie whom targets her. Back at the studios, her sleazy producer looks over two other horror films Rebecca was to appear in. In 'Mecharachnia' a hapless, deadbeat auto yard owner and his girlfriend are besieged in their workplace by little green alien outlaws who have landed on Earth and plot to take over. In 'Lonely are the Brain', a deranged female doctor submits dream experimentation in a halfway house full of beautiful women as part to a disembodied living brain, until on of the test subjects suspects the true nature of the experiments and plots to stop the mad doctor. —Anonymous
Genre: Uncategorized
Director: Brett Piper
Actors: David Fine, Duane Polcou, Erika Smith, Erin Brown, Julian Wells, Michael R. Thomas, Rob Monkiewicz
Country: USA